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Change is inevitable,

but transformation is by

conscious choice

- Heather Ash Amara -

About Jodi

About Jodi

I am a true believer that when coaching embraces empowering questions and deep reflection it inevitably offers transformative paths to greater clarity, courage and wellbeing.

Jodi Button McHale, CTACC

Transitions & Transformations Coach



Coaching supports clients in identifying and achieving personal and professional goals through the development of skills and attitudes

that lead to self-empowerment.

Sometimes it's the smallest decisions

that can change your life forever.


- Keri Russell -



I will be forever grateful. Jodi's listening skills and brilliant ability to feed back what she hears in a way that enlightens me about myself still surprises me every time. I can put unhealthy pressure on myself at times, but Jodi has never fed that part of me. She is deeply and sensitively artful with insightful suggestions. She seems to have a magical quiver full of experiences and knowledge of life, and she somehow knows just what to draw out that is clear, clean, and to a point most helpful.

I sense a genuine humility in her that is not tinged with any personal opinion of what I "should" do, yet still knows how thoughtfully to provoke a curiosity about possibilities. She gives me the gift of respect and care for my freedom to see and know for myself what would be in my best interest for a better life. And I believe that's what she truly wants - to see me discover and have a more fulfilled life on my terms. I always finish any time with her feeling seen and encouraged with something practical tucked under my arm as I continue on this tricky and beautiful journey of Life.


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